I’ve taken a lot longer to finish high school than the average Australian. In fact, what should’ve taken me six years will have taken me a lot longer by the end of the year when I finally complete year 12. The reason it has taken so long is because in year 10, which was quite a while ago now, I decided to leave school and become a musician. Ever since I was a young girl music has been my passion, and school was second-rate in everything that I did. It seemed dumb for me to spend my time doing algebra when I could be writing music and playing my guitar in my garage. I was determined to make a name for myself and live the life I had always dreamed of, and so I decided to leave school.
Now, I know it sounds bad that I went back to school, because it probably seems like I failed as a musician, but that’s not the case. I’m actually a semi successful musician at a relatively young age, but I’ve realised now that I need an education to fall back on if being a musician doesn’t end up paying the bills. I came to this realisation with the help of a career counsellor. Melbourne is the best place in Australia for me to be if I want to be a part of the music industry, and I’ve decided that I’d like to study at the city’s university for music and arts. To do this, I have to get an ATAR and finish my high school studies. I also have to outperform my peers and earn myself a spot in the best music university in Australia. Because of this, I’ve depended significantly on an expert in student career advice. Melbourne advisors are experts in their field, so I’m lucky that I have their advice as a resource. I’m also lucky that I’m significantly older than the other students undertaking year 12 this year. Having completed years 10 and 11 in the last two years, plus having significant more life experience, I think my unconventional study path will benefit me immensely.